How to Embed Objects in Resin Dice: FAQ

Embedding objects in resin dice is a unique way to personalize your gaming experience. You can add small items like beads, glitter, or personal mementos to create visually striking dice. This guide covers everything you need to know, including:

To get started, you'll need clear resin, small objects to embed, and a mold to shape your dice. The process requires patience and attention to detail, but with practice, you can create stunning, one-of-a-kind resin dice that reflect your personality and style.

Key Points
Choose suitable objects and prepare them properly
Select the right type of resin for your project
Follow the step-by-step layering and embedding process
Troubleshoot common issues like object movement and curing problems
Take necessary safety precautions when working with resin
Properly care for and maintain your resin dice

Choosing Objects for Embedding

When embedding objects in resin dice, you have many options. However, not all objects are suitable, and some require special preparation.

Items You Can Embed

You can embed various objects in resin dice, including:

Object Type Examples
Botanicals Leaves, flowers, herbs
Sparkly materials Glitter
Miniature items Beads, charms, figurines
Personal items Jewelry, coins, keys
Small toys or trinkets

When choosing objects, consider their size, shape, and material. Ensure they fit within the mold and won't interfere with the resin's curing process.

Preparing Objects for Embedding

Before embedding objects in resin, prepare them properly:

1. Clean the objects: Remove dirt, oil, or other substances that may affect the resin.

2. Dry the objects: Thoroughly dry the objects to prevent moisture from interfering with the curing process.

3. Seal the objects: Apply a clear coat or varnish to protect them from the resin and ensure a strong bond.

Proper preparation helps prevent objects from moving or shifting during the curing process, ensuring a professional-looking finish.

By choosing the right objects and preparing them correctly, you'll create unique and personalized resin dice that showcase your creativity and style.

Choosing the Right Resin

When making resin dice, the type of resin you choose is important. There are many types of resin available, and selecting the right one can be confusing. In this section, we'll explore the different types of resin suitable for dice making and discuss the key factors to consider when making your selection.

Types of Resin for Dice Making

Here are the most common types of resin used for dice making:

Resin Type Characteristics
Epoxy Resin High gloss finish, durable, resistant to scratches
Polyurethane Resin Fast curing time, flexible, suitable for intricate designs
Polyester Resin Cost-effective, durable, suitable for large-scale productions

Factors to Consider When Choosing Resin

When selecting a resin for your dice making project, consider the following factors:

Factor Description
Clarity If you want a transparent or clear finish, choose a resin with high clarity
Curing Time Choose a resin with a curing time that fits your project timeline
Viscosity Thicker resins are better for larger molds, while thinner resins are better for smaller molds
Cost Set a budget and choose a resin that fits within it

By considering these factors, you can choose the right resin for your dice making project and ensure that your finished product turns out as desired.

Step-by-Step Embedding Process

Layering Resin and Placing Objects

To embed objects in resin dice, follow these steps:

Prepare the Mold

Mix the Resin

Layer the Resin and Objects

Step Action
1 Pour a small amount of resin into the mold, just enough to cover the bottom.
2 Place the object into the mold, making sure it's centered and evenly spaced.
3 Continue pouring small layers of resin into the mold, allowing each layer to cure before adding the next.

Curing and Finishing Resin Dice

Once you've completed the layering process, follow these steps:

Cure the Resin

Remove from Mold and Finish

Step Action
1 Carefully remove the dice from the mold.
2 Use a soft brush or compressed air to remove any excess resin or debris.
3 Sand the dice with fine-grit sandpaper to smooth out any rough edges or bumps.
4 Use a polishing compound to bring out the shine and clarity of the resin.
5 Inspect the dice for any imperfections or bubbles. If necessary, use a heat gun or toothpick to remove any bubbles.
6 Apply a sealant to protect the resin and give it a glossy finish.

By following these steps, you'll be able to create beautiful and balanced resin dice with embedded objects. Remember to be patient and take your time, as the layering and curing process can be delicate.


Troubleshooting Embedding Issues

When embedding objects in resin dice, you may encounter some common issues that can affect the final result. In this section, we'll discuss some troubleshooting tips to help you overcome these problems.

Preventing Object Movement

One of the most common issues when embedding objects is that they can shift or move during the curing process, resulting in an uneven or misaligned final product. To prevent this:

Fixing Curing Problems

Curing problems can occur when the resin doesn't set properly, resulting in a sticky or soft surface. To fix this:

Issue Solution
Incorrect resin mixture ratio Check the ratio and ensure it's correct
Insufficient curing time or temperature Increase the curing time or temperature, following the manufacturer's instructions
Sticky or soft surface Apply a thin layer of resin to the affected area and allow it to cure before sanding and polishing
Resin not setting properly Use a heat gun or hairdryer to gently warm the resin and promote curing

Remember to always follow the manufacturer's instructions for the specific resin you're using, and take necessary safety precautions when working with resin.

By troubleshooting common issues and taking preventative measures, you can ensure a successful embedding process and create beautiful, high-quality resin dice with embedded objects.

Safety When Working with Resin

When working with resin and small objects, safety should be your top priority. In this section, we'll cover the essential safety measures to take when handling resin and setting up a safe workspace.

Protective Gear for Resin Work

To ensure your safety while working with resin, wear the right protective gear:

Protective Gear Purpose
Disposable nitrile gloves Protect your hands from resin and hardener
Eye protection Prevent accidental splashes or spills from getting into your eyes
Respirator mask Filter out fumes and vapors for safe breathing

Setting Up a Safe Workspace

A well-ventilated workspace is crucial when working with resin. Here are some tips to set up a safe workspace:

Safety Tip Description
Good ventilation Open windows or use a ventilation system for good airflow
Proper material handling Handle resin and hardener carefully to avoid spills and accidents
Organize your workspace Keep your workspace organized and clutter-free to prevent tripping hazards and accidents

Remember, safety should always be your top priority when working with resin. By following these safety measures, you can minimize the risks and ensure a successful embedding process.

Caring for Resin Dice

To keep your resin dice in great condition, follow these simple care and maintenance tips.

Storing Resin Dice

Store your resin dice in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Avoid storing them in areas with high temperatures or humidity, as this can cause the resin to warp or become brittle. Use a dice bag or case to keep your dice organized and protected.

Cleaning Resin Dice

Gently remove dirt or fingerprints from your resin dice using a soft cloth or microfiber towel. For more thorough cleaning, mix a small amount of mild soap with warm water, and gently wipe the dice with a soft cloth. Dry the dice thoroughly to prevent water spots.

Cleaning Tips:

Method Description
Soft cloth or microfiber towel Gently remove dirt or fingerprints
Mild soap and warm water Mix and gently wipe the dice with a soft cloth
Dry thoroughly Prevent water spots

By following these simple care and maintenance tips, you can keep your resin dice in excellent condition and ensure they remain a valuable addition to your gaming collection.


Embedding objects in resin dice is a fun and creative hobby. With the right materials and techniques, you can make unique and personalized dice that show off your style. This FAQ has given you the essential knowledge to get started on your resin dice-making journey.

Tips for Success

Get Started Today!

Gather your materials, get creative, and start making your own resin dice!