10 Weird Dice Superstitions & Rituals Gamers Believe

Dice superstitions and rituals are quirky practices that many gamers swear by to influence their luck during gameplay. Despite the randomness of dice rolls, these beliefs provide psychological comfort and a sense of control. Here are 10 common dice superstitions:

  1. Blowing on dice for good luck
  2. "Training" dice to roll specific numbers
  3. Naming dice to create a personal bond
  4. Punishing unlucky dice in a "shame bag"
  5. Sending underperforming dice to "dice jail"
  6. Arranging dice in patterns to "charge" them
  7. Warm-up rolls to get bad rolls out of the way
  8. Never touching another player's dice
  9. Binding dice through rituals for good luck
  10. Pre-game testing to ensure fair dice
Superstition Purpose
Blowing on Dice Transfer positive energy for good luck
Dice Training Influence dice to roll desired numbers
Naming Dice Create a personal connection
Shame Bag Punish unlucky dice to improve performance
Dice Jail Rehabilitate underperforming dice
Charging Dice Set the tone for the game
Warm-Ups Get bad rolls out before gameplay
Respect Boundaries Avoid invading others' personal space
Binding Rituals Establish a stronger dice connection
Pre-Game Testing Identify faulty dice and build confidence

While these superstitions may seem odd, they add excitement, ritual, and a sense of control to the gaming experience for many players. Whether blowing on dice or sending them to jail, these quirky beliefs are a fascinating part of gaming culture.

1. Blowing on Dice for Good Luck

Blowing on dice is a common superstition among gamers. This ritual involves exhaling air onto the dice before rolling them, supposedly to bring good luck. The idea is that the breath contains positive energy, which is then transferred to the dice, increasing the chances of a favorable outcome.

This superstition is not unique to tabletop gaming and can be seen in other forms of gambling, such as craps or roulette. In these settings, players often blow on the dice or chips before placing their bets, hoping to influence the outcome.

Variations of the Superstition

Some gamers take this superstition a step further by developing their own unique blowing techniques. These may include:

While these variations may not make a tangible difference in the outcome, they add to the ritualistic nature of the practice and provide an extra layer of psychological comfort for the player.

2. Dice Training: The Illusion of Control

Dice training is a popular superstition among gamers, where they try to influence the outcome of their rolls by "training" their dice to land on specific numbers or patterns. This ritual involves arranging the dice in a particular way, with the belief that they will "learn" to behave in a certain way.

Why Gamers Believe in Dice Training

Dice training is an example of the illusion of control, where gamers think they can influence the outcome of a random event. This phenomenon is not unique to tabletop gaming and can be seen in various aspects of life.

Types of Dice Training

Some gamers take dice training to the next level by developing their own unique techniques. These may include:

Technique Description
Specific Pattern Arranging dice in a specific pattern or sequence
Different Dice Using different dice for different types of rolls (e.g., attack rolls vs. skill checks)
Practice Rolls "Warming up" their dice with a series of practice rolls before the actual game

While these variations may not have a tangible impact on the game's outcome, they can provide a psychological boost to the player, making them feel more confident and prepared for the game.

3. The Power of Naming Dice

Naming dice is a popular superstition among gamers. This ritual involves giving a personal name to each die, fostering a special bond between the player and their dice. By introducing yourself to your dice and giving them a name, you can create a sense of ownership and responsibility.

Why Naming Dice Matters

Naming dice can have a significant impact on a player's mindset. It creates a personal connection, leading to a sense of trust and reliability. This, in turn, can boost your confidence and performance during the game.

Examples of Dice Names

Some gamers come up with creative and humorous names for their dice. Here are a few examples:

Dice Name Description
Brooklyn Forest A pair of threes
Sixie from Dixie A hard six

These names not only add a touch of personality to the game but also make it more engaging and enjoyable.

By naming your dice, you can create a unique and personalized gaming experience. Whether you choose a simple or elaborate name, the act of naming your dice can have a profound impact on your gameplay and overall enjoyment.

4. The Shame Bag: Punishing Unlucky Dice

Shame Bag

Gamers often punish their dice when they roll poorly, as if the dice were misbehaving. This superstition is based on the idea that the dice need to be disciplined to roll better in the future.

Methods of Punishment

Gamers use various methods to punish their dice. Some scold or shame the dice in front of their fellow players. Others take more drastic measures, such as:

Method Description
Freezing Placing the dice in the freezer to "cool them down"
Hammering Gently tapping the dice with a hammer to "wake them up"
Shame Bag Placing the dice in a designated container, separating them from the rest

The Shame Bag

The "shame bag" or "dice jail" is a popular method of punishing dice. The idea is that the dice will feel ashamed of their poor performance and will roll better once they are released from their punishment.

While punishing dice may seem silly, it can have a psychological impact on the player. By taking action against the dice, players can feel more in control of their game and more confident in their abilities. So, the next time your dice roll poorly, consider giving them a time-out in the shame bag! 😊

5. Dice Jail: Rehabilitating Underperforming Dice

Dice Jail

Dice jail is a lighthearted way to deal with underperforming dice. It's a fun way to add humor and narrative to gameplay. The idea is that the dice will learn to roll better once they are released from their punishment.

Types of Dice Jail

Dice jail can take many forms, including:

Type Description
Designated Container A special container for underperforming dice
Clear Plastic Cubes A "prison" made of clear plastic cubes
DIY Torture Devices Creative ways to punish dice, like a "dice hammer"

By using dice jail, gamers can feel more in control of their game, even when the dice are not rolling in their favor. It's a way to acknowledge the randomness of the game while still trying to influence the outcome. So, the next time your dice are rolling poorly, consider sending them to dice jail to rehabilitate their behavior! 😊


6. Charging the Dice: Setting the Tone

Charging the dice is a popular superstition among gamers. It involves arranging the dice in a specific pattern to "set the tone" for the game. This ritual is believed to influence the outcome of the rolls, ensuring good luck and success.

Types of Charging

Gamers use different methods to charge their dice. Here are a few examples:

Method Description
High-Roller Arranging dice with the highest number facing up
Pattern Maker Creating intricate patterns with the dice
Situation-Specific Using specific dice for certain situations or games

By charging the dice, gamers feel more in control of their game, even when the outcome is uncertain. This superstition adds a layer of fun and excitement to the gameplay experience. So, the next time you're about to roll, try charging your dice and see if it makes a difference! 😊

7. Warm-Ups: Getting the Bad Rolls Out of the Way

Before the main gaming session begins, players often engage in warm-up rituals to prepare their dice for optimal performance. This may include a series of practice rolls, gentle shakes, or even a quick spin to ensure the dice are ready.

Why Warm-Ups Matter

Gamers believe that warm-ups help "get the bad rolls out of the way," allowing them to start the game with a clean slate. By doing so, they feel more confident and prepared for the game, even if the outcome is uncertain.

Types of Warm-Ups

Here are some common warm-up methods:

Method Description
Quick Roll A series of rapid-fire rolls to loosen up the dice
Gentle Shake A gentle shake of the dice to distribute the luck evenly
Spin Cycle A quick spin of the dice to energize them for the game

By incorporating warm-ups into their pre-game routine, gamers can set themselves up for success and create a more enjoyable experience. So, the next time you're about to roll, try warming up your dice and see if it makes a difference! 😊

8. Never Touch Another Player's Dice

Respecting personal boundaries is crucial in gaming etiquette, and this includes dice. Gamers often develop strong emotional connections with their dice, leading to a sense of ownership and possessiveness.

Why This Rule Matters

Touching another player's dice without permission can be seen as an invasion of their personal space, disrupting the delicate balance of luck and superstition. By respecting this boundary, you're acknowledging the player's emotional investment in their dice and avoiding potential bad luck or misfortune.

Consequences of Ignoring This Rule

Violating this rule can lead to tension at the gaming table, damaging relationships and affecting the overall gaming experience. Players may become protective of their dice, and some might even consider it a bad omen if someone else touches them.

Exceptions to the Rule

There are some exceptions to this rule. If a player explicitly gives you permission to handle their dice, it's usually okay. Additionally, if you're borrowing dice from a communal pool or a spare set, it's not considered a personal invasion.

Here are some key points to remember:

Rule Description
Never touch another player's dice Respect personal boundaries and avoid invading their space
Get permission before handling dice Always ask the owner before touching their dice
Exceptions apply Borrowing from a communal pool or spare set is usually okay

By respecting the Never Touch Another Player's Dice rule, you're demonstrating your understanding of gaming etiquette and your commitment to maintaining a positive, enjoyable gaming environment.

9. Dice Folklore: Laying the Groundwork for Good Luck

Dice folklore is a fascinating aspect of gaming culture. Many players believe that their dice can bring them good or bad luck. This superstition is rooted in the idea that certain dice can be "lucky" or "unlucky," influencing the outcome of the game.

Binding the Dice

One common practice is to "bind" the dice to the player. This involves carefully choosing the dice, arranging them in a specific pattern, or even performing a small ceremony to consecrate the dice. By doing so, players believe they can establish a stronger connection with their dice, increasing the chances of rolling favorable numbers.

Dice Warm-Ups

Another aspect of dice folklore is the "warm-up" ritual. Before the game begins, players may roll their dice several times to "get them ready" or "awaken their luck." This practice is thought to help the dice settle into a rhythm, ensuring that they produce favorable results during the game.

Types of Warm-Ups

Here are some common warm-up methods:

Method Description
Quick Roll A series of rapid-fire rolls to loosen up the dice
Gentle Shake A gentle shake of the dice to distribute the luck evenly
Tap and Whisper Tapping the dice on the table and whispering a phrase to "activate" the luck

By embracing these superstitions, gamers can create a sense of control and agency over the unpredictable nature of dice rolling. Whether it's through binding, warm-ups, or other rituals, dice folklore provides a unique way to connect with the game and tap into the power of good luck.

10. Pre-Game Testing: Ensuring Good Luck

Pre-game testing is a common dice superstition that many gamers believe in. This ritual involves rolling the dice several times before the game begins to ensure they're working correctly and to get a feel for how they'll perform.

Why Pre-Game Testing Matters

Pre-game testing serves three main purposes:

Types of Pre-Game Testing

Here are some common methods:

Method Description
Quick Roll Roll the dice several times quickly to loosen them up
Gentle Shake Shake the dice gently to distribute the luck evenly
Tap and Whisper Tap the dice on the table and whisper a phrase to "activate" the luck

By incorporating pre-game testing into their routine, gamers can gain a psychological edge, build confidence, and potentially influence the outcome of the game.


Dice superstitions are a fascinating part of gaming culture. They show how much gamers care about their dice and the game itself. While these superstitions may not change the game's outcome, they add excitement and ritual to the gaming experience.

By looking at the different rituals and beliefs surrounding dice, we can learn more about the psychology and social aspects of gaming. Whether it's blowing on dice for good luck, doing pre-game testing, or using specific dice for certain situations, these superstitions show the creativity and diversity of the gaming community.

In conclusion, dice superstitions are an important part of the gaming experience. They help us enjoy the game more, build stronger connections with fellow players, and create lasting memories around the table. So, the next time you roll the dice, remember that it's not just about the numbers – it's about the fun and community that comes with it.


How to cleanse bad dice?

There are many ways to cleanse cursed dice. Here are a few methods:

Method Description
Smudging Use sage to remove negative energy
Purifying Store dice with salt to absorb bad luck
Charging Place dice in a sacred circle to recharge
Massage Use lavender oil to calm and cleanse the dice
Moonlight Leave dice under the light of a new moon to refresh

Some gamers believe that a simple ritual, like rolling the dice a few times or leaving them overnight, can help remove any negative energy. Ultimately, the key is to find a method that works for you and your gaming style.